Friday, June 8, 2012

Weekly Round-up: Free ebook Best Sellers

Here's a round-up of the best-selling free ebooks still available at Amazon. Click on the image or title to read more about the book:

If you don't own a Kindle, you can download this free application which will allow you to read Kindle books on your PC. You can read this ebook on an assortment of other devices as well. Just download the appropriate application from the Amazon site.

Amazon prices change frequently. Please check the price before you hit "Buy". 

If the "Kindle Price" is $0.00, the ebook is free. If it states "Prime Members $0.00 Read it for free", the price has gone up and the ebook is no longer free. 

This post is linked to Consider the Lilies, Financial Friday and Friday Finals.

1 comment:

  1. I need to download the kindle reader to my new computer.
